• 為何對創新還是一頭霧水

    It is a common belief that businesses today need more innovation than ever before. But how accurate is this claim? Yes, the topic of innovation is often seen as exciting and alluring. From my first consulting client in the 90s to most clients today, everyone views innovation as key to the future. However, for most…


  • 日本的設計心思

    Although I’m not a design professional, Japanese designs always fascinate me every time I visit the country. If you are into Design Thinking, you should be curious about their ways of approaching everyday problems. This beautiful country is filled with designs that may seem odd to outsiders. As a starter, the placement of the ticketing…


  • 以實踐學習 - 體驗式領導發展

    Learning by Doing – Experiential Leadership Development

    The fast-changing landscape of business today requires leaders with superpowers. You’ve got to roll with the punches, inspire your team, and keep the innovation fires burning. That’s where experiential leadership development comes in – it is not the typical classroom type. It is more like learning by doing, and we’re going to dive into it…


  • 以段層職場貢獻模式作為反思的工具

    Stages of Contribution Model as a Reflective Tool

    The Stages of Contribution Model, which is based on the research of Gene Dalton and Paul Thompson, is an easy to understand and useful descriptive model to highlight what a person’s potential impact through different career “stages” in an organization. For an organization, the model provides a simple and general path to consider talent development…


  • 脫下口罩與改變

    What the Face Mask Reminds Me About Change

    The COVID Face Mask Episode For most of my life I live in Hong Kong. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, I was in this place and saw the society moved quickly to voluntary use of face mask, then to it becoming a mandatory measure. After more than three years, when most other places…




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