以實踐學習 - 體驗式領導發展

當今的商業環境變化迅速,管理人都需要具備超凡能力的領導。您必須能快速應變、激勵您的團隊和持續創新。這就是體驗式領導發展發揮作用的時候 - 它不同於傳統的課堂教學。它更像是透過實踐學習,我們將在本文中深入探討。


這類項目可以有多種不同的形式 - 從室內到戶外的活動和挑戰,從簡單的任務到複雜的模擬,或從結構化到非結構化的動態情境。
In fact, experiential leadership programs can run from specifically crafted contents, such as business simulation exercises (computer-based or live), to dynamic game-like activities like orienteering, and team puzzle solving.
Learning takes place through reflection, or just-in-time briefing and applications, that fit the specific design.
This is exactly what I have organized for a client to develop potential leaders.

  • 是否有人積極領導行動?
  • 他們是否能夠自行組織起來?
  • 他們如何互相協調?
  • 他們如何共同做出決策?

The event was challenging and also fun! What happened was so rich that more than a day could be devoted to reflection and learning.
Take another example, a team of managers was given a number of projects/tasks to complete within 15 minutes. A very short experience, right? But the review and debriefing went on for hours, going from how work or project should be organized, to how to team dynamics, and how to handle productivity and stress.

What Makes Experiential Leadership Development Shine

1. 沉浸式

These programs create immersive experiences for leaders, such as outdoor team-building adventures, business simulations, or reality-show-level role-playing. It’s like leadership boot camp, giving you a safe place to practice and learn from your experience.
The immersive format creates contexts where the leaders really exercise their behaviour “naturally” while not pretending or following scripts. By leveraging on the act-reflect-learn cycle, practical learning can be facilitated.

2. 真實的挑戰

In fact, we can turn any situation into a learning opportunity. Sometimes, it happens unexpectedly (to the participants) in our sessions.

3. 反思和學習

After you’ve tackled these challenges, there’s a sit-down where you reflect on what went right, what went wrong, and how you can get better. It resembles watching the replay of a game to see where you can score more points.


1. 更強的解難能力

Experiential learning sharpens leaders’ problem-solving abilities. When you’re dealing with real issues, you’ve got to put your thinking cap on, come up with solutions, and make decisions in the heat of the moment. Unlike classic case studies which are just remote, after-the-fact exercises, the challenges are there with the clock really ticking.

2. 增強與他人互動

Being a leader is about interacting with and influencing others. Experiential development puts you in the hot seats of interacting with people. When you’re working with others, you learn how to get your point across, listen actively, and switch up your communication style.
The learning environment is also a place for great peer learning. You learn from fellow participants in addition to the challenges.

3. 增強信心

By facing these challenges head-on and getting feedback, you accumulate the “experience points” that add to higher self-confidence.

4. 提升適應能力

By putting leaders in continuously changing contexts and surprises, experiential leadership development enables you to be flexible and adjust your game plan to match the situation.
Good programs may also leverage on ad-hoc real-life incidents to create even richer learning results.
There was a time when the training venue experienced a sudden power outage, which was used as an opportunity for the participants to find a way to continue the program and review their patterns in responding to undesirable incidences.

5. 團隊凝聚力

If there were no teams or followers, there would be no leaders. A leader and the team are tightly stitched together. Therefore, experiential activities often involve team-based exercises. Enhanced connection and understanding among team members, better collaboration, and smoother communication are usually the “by-products” of the program.


Nowadays, there are many providers of experiential leadership development. Some specialize in using certain contexts, such as outdoor orienteering, zipline, wargame, etc.
然而,我們公司不專注於固定格式。反之,我們喜歡與客戶進行實驗,作出嘗試。目前,我們正在開發我們的“你已被邀約(You're invited)”系列,該系列基於我們的信念:“一切都可以成為有價值的學習經歷。”
Each program will be specifically designed for a client and starts with an “invitation to join” without much detail.


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