• 改善流程 -- 凡事皆有可能

    When You Redesign a Process, Nothing is Impossible

    The above word cloud captures the personal learning from my in-house training program for a client. The most mentioned ones are “everything is possible” and “nothing is impossible”. This is so encouraging – both to the organization and to me. If you think this is the kind of motivational program on personal breakthrough or team…


  • Why (Still) Improve Cross-functional Processes?

    Why (Still) Improve Cross-functional Processes?

    Recently, I met the CEO of a medium size organization. A few years in that position, he has been driving changes and improvements in this century old organization. In the meeting, we shared our ideas on how to drive changes.  Over the past few decades, many management “techniques” like Six Sigma, TQM, Lean, Reengineering, and…


  • Activate Your Energy for a Better Self

    We have concluded our first round of FEBI events with the September 7 Leadership Energy workshop. This time, we have gone deeper into the powerful tool. In addition to introducing the 4 energy patterns, we also worked with the participants to explore deeper into their own styles, their current work requirements, and find ways to…


  • FEBI Meets Hong Kong

    The first FEBI public workshop in Hong Kong was successfully completed on July 27, 2019. We would like to thank these early adopters and were delighted for the highly positive feedback received. The workshop was designed to focus more on personal development, with a full FEBI assessment and report as a special introductory offer. This…


  • FEBI Launch Event

    On June 14, 2019, we had held a small private launch event for our FEBI – Focus Energy Balance Indicator – service in Hong Kong and all Chinese communities. It was our honour to have our close circle of friends and clients to share our joy and have a taste of this powerful and change…




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