• The Search for Personality Assessments that Really Helps

    Many people have some kind of obsession or interests in personality assessments. They give you ways to understand and perhaps “predict” a person. Be it MBTI, DISC or even pick-an-animal assessment, it gives you power. I am also interested, if not obsessed, in using these instruments to understand and work with others. However, the personality…

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  • Translated Copy of “Building a Winning Organizational Culture”

    With the permission of Richard Barrett, the founder of Barrett Values Centre, I have translated his recent article “Building a Winning Organizational Culture” into Chinese. You may access the copy here.  

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  • The Quickest & Easiest Method To Search Resume Writing Service

    Do you need a new resume? Does it come with true that you are searching during lifelong mentor in your time in HR and deciding on? Ever considered what CV writers or resume writing companies do while you hire them? Certainly, actually, they compose lighting, sucking in, and solid Resume/CV, Tailor-made Cover Letter, and SEO…

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  • My Journey in Cultural Transformation

    While Zensiblo is heading towards her sixth anniversary, my work in changing and transforming organization culture has well passed the 20-year mark. It is a good time to introspect and crystallize some lesson learned. The Road Traveled (So Far) Some twenty years ago, I left my career in media marketing (I’m talking about traditional radio…

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  • New World Development Co Ltd – Partnering for Success

    Companying a client to start its improvement journey is always a challenging and delightful experience. The New World Group (New World Development Company Limited, HKG:0017) has been seeing accelerated success in terms of the number of improvement projects and the business impact. In just two years, the client’s Incubation Circle programme has accomplished what others could only achieve…

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