The first FEBI public workshop in Hong Kong was successfully completed on July 27, 2019. We would like to thank these early adopters and were delighted for the highly positive feedback received.
The workshop was designed to focus more on personal development, with a full FEBI assessment and report as a special introductory offer. This pilot workshop had attracted a small group of people, most of them in the Learning and Development profession.
On this sunny day, we shared the basics of FEBI and the participants’ own preferences in a fun way. Going beyond typical assessments, the participants also learned the different movements to activate the energy patterns – a great way to start a wonderful weekend.
The assessment results accurately described the typical behaviours of the participants. We also explored how these patterns contributed to the success, and possible challenges, of their lives.
Of course, we also went deeper to foster ways to enhance each person’s effectiveness by engaging both the mind and the body (movements). In the end, everyone got some real change actions to take away.
This was a rewarding experience for all of us.
Do you want to kick off your self-enhancement from this experience? Visit our events page to find which upcoming event fits you.
See you there!